Advised and critical items history section

Advised and critical items history section

This feature shows a new section on the appointment details page that contains all critical and advised items from previous appointments that are neither fixed or snoozed. By default, it is disabled, simply contact us at to request its activation.

How it works 

This section is visible on all workorder and is collapsed by default. A counter in the header indicates the total number of items it contains. Click on the icon next to the counter to expand the section. You cannot edit items directly in the section. However you can snooze and/or pin an item listed. You can also open the appointment details page by clicking the WO#.  

Hidding and showing items from the section

You can choose to hide an item from the section, simply click on the icon as indicated below. At any time you can view hidden items by clicking the icon located on the top right side of the header.

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