Snoozing an intervention

Snoozing an intervention


The snooze function allows you to identy interventions on the appointment details page that will require action in the future. 


You can activate the snooze function by clicking the snooze button on the appointment detail page.

Snoozing an intervention

In order to snooze and intervention, click a grey snooze button for the following modal to open:

Select a snooze type:
  1. Next visit customer
  2. Make an offer
  3. Make new appointment
  4. Remind customer 
Selecting Make an offer and Remind customer will render the date selector visible:

Note that the snooze type Remind customer will not send an email to customers but you can keep track of it by using the lead dashboard.
Select the appropriate status:
  1. New
  2. In progress 
  3. Approved
  4. Declined
  5. Fixed
  6. Done
Select the appropriate department:
  1. Sales
  2. CCC (customer communication center)
  3. Body repair 
  4. External
  5. Digital (external crm true api)
Add a comment and then click Save.

Updating snooze information

Items already snoozed have the clock icon displayed in blue. Click on it to see the snooze modal then make your modifications and click Update.

Removing the snooze on an item

In order to stop displaying a snooze item, select the red trash button.

On the pop-up , enter the reason for deleting the snooze item then click the Confirm button.

This will not delete the item from the workorder but simply inactivate the snooze for it.

Reviewing Active Snoozed Items History

On the workorder details page a section called ACTIVE SNOOZED ITEMS HISTORY above the Important Items section will display the snoozed interventions from past appointment and that have one the following statuses:
  1. New
  2. In progress
  3. Approved
The count of items will be visible on the section name and the section can be expanded and minimized by clicking the icon in the section bar.

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