The Pin function (V8)

The Pin function (V8)

The pin function is an effective way for the receptionist to mark an intervention and track any progress on it. It is used for simple notes or to tag specific items under warranty or recall. By using this function, the warranty dashboard feature is also populated.

Automatically Lock Intervention
If your location has a Keyloop configuration, the item marked as warranty in the DMS will automatically create or update a pin and set it as the Warranty Type.
These automatically created pins cannot be removed unless the item is no longer marked as warranty in the DMS.

Adding a pin

Step 1: On the appointment detail page, click on the intervention title or the wrench icon to open the intervention.

Step 2: Next, the intervention opens. Click on the gray pin to open the dropdown menu. Select one of the options here, for example warranty.

Step 3: After clicking you are automaticaly navigated to the tab called Warranty. Depending on the pin type, it may also be named Remarks or Recall. The warranty icon also appears on the intervention.

As soon as you activate the remark/recall/warranty pin, a log of this action immediately appears in the Log History. Each time you enter a field in the pin and click Update, a new log is created.

The following pin icons are visible depending on the pin type:




The number behind the icon indicates how many times the pin has been updated.

In the pin tab, you have the following fields:

1. Number fields:
  1. Support #
  2. Claim #
  3. Ref #

2. Order status:
  1. Same day
  2. Order
  3. Next day
  4. Backorder
  5. Arrived
  6. Keep parts: This allows you to notify the mechanic to keep the replaced parts.

3. Warranty type (only enabled if the Warranty type is selected):
  1. Factory
  2. Leniency
  3. Paint body
  4. On repair
  5. Occasion
  6. Service
It is possible to hide the warranty types so that only a certain selection is visible. This can be changed in the dealer overview by a user with the role Dealer Admin or higher.

4.  Pin status (only enabled if the Warranty or Recall type is selected):
  1. Support
  2. Approval pending
  3. More info
  4. Approved
  5. Declined
  6. To claim
  7. Claimed
  8. Billed
  9. Request
  10. Technical info

5. Note field:
  1. Here you can enter a note to provide more information about the pin.
  2. Through the dropdown menu Choose answer, you can also select a pre-filled note.
  3. It is possible to mark a note as important by checking the box next to Important.
  4. Finally, you have the option to add an attachment to the note.

Once you click Update, the changes are saved in the log history. It will no longer be possible to edit them. However, it is still possible to toggle the Important checkbox on or off.

Depending on the users role, the color of the name box changes:
  1. Red with shield: Warranty manager
  2. Orange with wrench: Mechanic
  3. Green with wrench: Chief mechanic
  4. Blue with pencil: Desktop users like the Receptionist and Dealer Admin

When you collapse the intervention again, one of the three pin icons will be visible, in this case, Warranty. Click on it to go directly to the pin tab. Additionally, the note marked as important will also be displayed here.

Color of the pin

As shown in the example above, the icon for the warranty pin is red. On the appointments page the red warranty pin is also visible for this workorder. Additionally, the name of the driver/owner/contractor is highlighted in red.

This is because the customers signature is missing for the warranty pin. The signature can be added during the following customer interactions:
  •     Online check-in
  •     Kiosk check-in
  •     Key drop-off check-in
  •     Counter check-in
  •     Diagnostic overview
  •     Counter check-out

Once the signature is added, the icon and the name of the driver/owner/contractor will turn blue.

In the case of Warranty or Recall, the pin icon can also be orange, depending on the location settings. This indicates that the Support# and/or Claim# field is empty.

InfoInfo: Contact to adjust the settings for the pin function. By default, the pin settings for red and orange are disabled.

The print overview displays the following information:
  •     Appointment information
  •     Customer information (can be toggled on or off using the button in the top left corner)
  •     Vehicle information
  •     Results of the completed checklist, including photos, comments, and statuses
  •     Pin notes marked as important
  •     The pin's log history

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