Using the lo@d function

Using the lo@d function

In order to be able to anticipate the ordering deadlines for LO@D, we have integrated a monitor with 4 limited delays. Each site can adjust these time boxes. After-sales Service Advisors or storekeepers are notified by time boxes that there are still 30 minutes left to order parts.Thirty minutes before the timer expires, the countdown will change from 30 minutes to 0 minutes.Controls yet to be done can then be done quickly.

The lo@d delay works as follows:
  1. The active time box is blue and will count the last minutes in min: sec format until the deadline.
  2. Once the deadline has been reached, the box will display 00:00 and will be red.
  3. The other time boxes are green and indicate the scheduled dates.
The default times are 9:30, 11:45, 15:15, 16:15.
These can be customized. You can contact the help desk for this purpose.

This feature is optional.

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