Warranty dashboard (V8)

Warranty dashboard (V8)

This tool allows you to manage information about items that have been pinned as warranty or recalls. The overview in the dashboard can be customised using the various filters and remain interactive. This allows you to monitor and analyse this important part of after-sales.

Accessing the dashboard

The Warranty dashboard is accessible in the side menu.

The Warranty dashboard will show by default the items pinned last month for your default location, without those that have the pin status Claimed.

Filtering the dashboard

The dashboard contains several filters that allow you to create and export the right overview. The table below shows what each filter does.

Pinned in the last month
Filter the overview by the period between which an item has been pinned. By default, it is set to last month. It is also possible to select a custom period.
Pin status
Filter by pin status, such as: Support, More info, Declined etc. It is possible to select more than one.
Enable the button to see all pins with claimed status.
Enable the button to see all the deleted pins.
Filter on the workorder status.
Filter reset button
Click on this button to set all filters to default (Pinned in the last month and default location are shown).
Export button
Click on this button to export the overview for Excel.
Mechanic fixed
Filter the overview by items that are fixed or not fixed.
Filter on brand.
Filter on the dealer/location whose pinned items you want to see.

Columns in the dashboard

The following is an explanation of all the columns in the overview. Some columns contain additional sort or copy functions.

1AppointmentSort the column by appointment date or last updated date from new to old or vice versa.
2StatusThe status of the workorder.
3WO #The workorder number in which the intervention was pinned. Click on a number in the column to open the WO in a new tab.
4Reg #The registration number of this workorder. Click on a registration number to open the WO in a new tab. Click the filter icon to display the vin number.
5Pin TypeThe type of pin: Remark, Warranty or Recall.
6Warranty TypeSort by warranty type. Only possible for warranty pin. For other pins, default value is Not set.
7Pin StatusThe selected pin status.
8Support #Support number. Click on it to copy it.
9Claim #Claim number. Click on it to copy it.
10Ref #Refference number. Click on it to copy it.
The car make of the corresponding car.
Intervention/Question Result
The intervention/question that is pinned.
Item status filter
Filter by items with the status Necessary or Advised.
Approved and repaired
The left-hand icons of the column shows whether the intervention/item has been approved by the customer. The right-hand icons shows whether the intervention/item has been repaired by the mechanic.
Pin Type
The type of pin: Remark, Warranty or Recall. Click on the icon to edit the pin.

Editing a pinned item

Click on the Pin, Warranty or Recall icon on the far right to edit it.

The pin window opens. Here you can edit the pin's information and view its log history.

Click on Update after editing the pin.

Exporting the overview

The overview will be exported as an ODS file, click the Export button in the right-hand corner.

After this, the following pop-up will appear. Then click on the Download button.

After clicking this, the download will start.

Pin notifications

An option called Pin status notifications is available in the profile page. Once the filter is enabled, you'll receive a notification every time another user creates or updates a pin.

Click on the notification to open the appointment in a new tab.

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