Nummer | Naam | Omschrijving |
1 | Pinned in the last month | Filter the overview by the period between which an item has been pinned. By default, it is set to last month. It is also possible to select a custom period. |
2 | Pin status | Filter by pin status, such as: Support, More info, Declined etc. It is possible to select more than one. |
3 | Claimed | Enable the button to see all pins with claimed status. |
4 | Deleted | Enable the button to see all the deleted pins. |
5 | Statusses | Filter on the workorder status. |
6 | Filter reset button | Click on this button to set all filters to default (Pinned in the last month and default location are shown). |
7 | Export button | Click on this button to export the overview for Excel. |
8 | Mechanic fixed | Filter the overview by items that are fixed or not fixed. |
9 | Brands | Filter on brand. |
10 | Dealer/Locations | Filter on the dealer/location whose pinned items you want to see. |
Nummer | Naam | Omschrijving |
1 | Appointment | Sort the column by appointment date or last updated date from new to old or vice versa. |
2 | Status | The status of the workorder. |
3 | WO # | The workorder number in which the intervention was pinned. Click on a number in the column to open the WO in a new tab. |
4 | Reg # | The registration number of this workorder. Click on a registration number to open the WO in a new tab. Click the filter icon to display the vin number. |
5 | Pin Type | The type of pin: Remark, Warranty or Recall. |
6 | Warranty Type | Sort by warranty type. Only possible for warranty pin. For other pins, default value is Not set. |
7 | Pin Status | The selected pin status. |
8 | Support # | Support number. Click on it to copy it. |
9 | Claim # | Claim number. Click on it to copy it. |
10 | Ref # | Refference number. Click on it to copy it. |
11 | Brand | The car make of the corresponding car. |
12 | Intervention/Question Result | The intervention/question that is pinned. |
13 | Item status filter | Filter by items with the status Necessary or Advised. |
14 | Approved and repaired | The left-hand icons of the column shows whether the intervention/item has been approved by the customer. The right-hand icons shows whether the intervention/item has been repaired by the mechanic. |
15 | Pin Type | The type of pin: Remark, Warranty or Recall. Click on the icon to edit the pin. |