Appointment list
Using the dashboard (workorder)
Purpose You will find the description of interventions on the repair order. But not only that! The repair order also contains points noted by the mechanic. In addition you can indicate on which points the customer has agreed.In the repair order you ...
Navigating the main page (appointment list)
By default, the appointmentlist opens as soon as you log in. Here the following appointments are shown: Appointments with todays date Pinned appoinments Appointments with where a check-in is answered with accepted extra services or a customer remark ...
Adding a workorder in Claire
When a repair order is not automatically associated from DMS with Claire, it is possible to add it manually. You can add it by clicking on the plus sign at the top center of the screen (See image below). When you click on it, the following page ...
Connecting to Servicebox
To link Claire to a service box, it is important that you have your own Claire account and your own workplace number in the service box. If you do not have your own workplace number, you will need to apply for it at the IT department of the ...
Using the search bar
In the search bar, you can search by different topics: By WO number By name of the owner or driver of the vehicle By registration number If you search this way, Claire will display all corresponding items for that day. You can also search in the ...
Adding a note
This feature able you to add notes to a WO. Accessing On the WO page, the button to access the note feature will be located at the top right section as indicated by the red arrow in the image below. If you expanded the dropdown menu, then select Add ...
Adding a file
It is possible to add a file (PDF, JPEG, ZIP...) to the workorder. When you add a file, Claire will keep it (for example a FIC) at the workorder level. To add a file, when you open the workorder you see a blue paper icon in the top right part of the ...
Changing the process status
Purpose Change the progress in Claire when the control is reported completed. Performing an action such as drawing up an estimate or the customer's agreement statement. Access In the workorder (appointment detail page), the bar will be display at the ...
Setting the Info status
This optional feature allows receptionist to communicate important information about the WO. It will then also visible on mechanic's tablet. The mechanic must then give an answer by performing an additional information/diagnostic check. Once ...
Identifying customer waiting
When there is a coffee cup icon in the row of the WO it indicates that the customer is a watchman. It is important that a guard is picked up within 5 minutes after the status check. This is to prevent the technician from being able to report the car ...
Using the lo@d function
In order to be able to anticipate the ordering deadlines for LO@D, we have integrated a monitor with 4 limited delays. Each site can adjust these time boxes. After-sales Service Advisors or storekeepers are notified by time boxes that there are still ...
Using the pin function
The pin note is an effective way to highlight an intervention and keep track of any progression made on it. The pin note can be used for simple remarks or to tag specific intervention items under warranty or recall. By using this feature, you will ...
Selecting intervention to be visible on the printable work order(PDF)
Claire Automotive Support allows you not to list one or multiple intervention(s) on the printable work order. You don't want to show an intervention or an intervention is not shown on the printable work order. Simply click the eye icon next to the ...