Location reports

Location reports



These reports will help you to visualize the overall  usage of the Claire's processes at a single location. The graphs will cover many areas such as: which checklists are being used, by whom, how often, how fast, how is it translated to sales, etc. It also includes two graphs about the Customer Communication module and how effective it is.


You must be a user with the Dealer admin role in order to access it.

How to access the graphs

In the hamburger menu, click Location Reports indicated by the red arrow on the image below.

Select the required period

By default, the graphs cover yesterday. You can select between yesterday, last 7, 30 and 90 days by opening the dropdown selection in the top right corner.

Select the type

By default, the graphs cover appointment but you can select between Appointment, Employees and Communications days by opening the dropdown selection in the top right corner.

Appointments type

These reports will provide insightfull information about commercial checklist and appointments, at the exception of the Average Checklist which shows ratio of all checklist performed.

Commercial checklist are a selective group of checklists, for more information on it or to report any discrepancies contact us at support@claireit.eu

Average Checklist


This graph shows you which checklists are used the most during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that checklists are being used at an appropriate ratio.

Active Checklist


This graph shows you how much checklists are used during the selected period. 

Pay attention to

Ensure that quantities of checklists performed are appropriate for the selected period.

Usage of Appointment's Statuses


This graph shows statuses usage by workorders during the selected period.   

Pay attention to

Ensure that each statuses are being used consistently.

Average Sold Items

  1. Vertical Axis: Average of items sold per checklist performed.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest)


This graph shows how many items are being sold on average per checklist per day, during the selected period.   

Pay attention to

Ensure that averages of items sold is above standard.

Daily usage of Appointment's Statuses Stacked

  1. Vertical axis: Accumulated percentages of the workorders statuses usage.
  2. Horizontal axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph shows daily variations in statuses usage by workorders during the selected period.   

Pay attention to

Ensure that statuses are being used consistently over time.

Average sold by item status

  1. Vertical Axis: Average of critical/advised items found or sold per checklist.
  2.  Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph shows sets of four averages per checklist performed during the selected period:
  • Advised items found
  • Advised items sold
  • Critical items found
  • Critical items sold

Pay attention to

Ensure that sold averages are above standard.

Quality checks

  1. Vertical Axis: Counts of checks performed.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graphs show sets of checks performed per day during the selected period:
  • Count of checks excluding quality checks
  • Count of quality checks containing advised or critical items, labelled as not ok.
  • Count of quality checks not containing advised or critical items, labelled as ok.

Pay attention to

Ensure that quality checks have proper results in order to reduce repeating repairs.

Cancellation reasons


This graph shows you how many workorder were canceled during the selected period. 

Pay attention to

Ensure that quantities of workorder cancelced are appropriate for the selected period.

Manual cancellation reasons

Appointment Date: Appointment date
WO: WO number
Receptionist: Name of user who selected Other as for the reason to cancel the appointment.
Reason: Reason entered by the user for cancelling the appointment.

Employees type

These report will provide information about the users interacting with Commercial checklist.

Average Mechanic Items

  1. Vertical Axis: Average of items (advised and critical, found and sold) and of photos taken per check.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of mechanics who have performed checks in the selected period.


This graph shows sets of five averages per check per mechanic:
  • Advised items found
  • Advised items sold
  • Critical items found
  • Critical items sold
  • Amount of photos

Pay attention to

Ensure that averages are consitent and above standard.

Average mechanic check time

  1. Vertical Axis: Average time spent per checks.      
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of mechanics who have performed checks during the selected period.


This graph shows how long on average a mechanic spent per checks.

Pay attention to

Ensure that checks are performed in a reasonable amount of time.

Avg Reception items 

  1. Vertical Axis: Averages of items (advice and critical, found and sold) and of photos available per check. 
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of receptionist who have taken part in calculating the offer, making the offer, or confirming the customer choices in the selected period.


This graph shows sets of 5 averages per receptionist::
  • Advised items found
  • Advised items sold
  • Critical items found
  • Critical items sold
  • Amount of photos

Pay attention to

Ensure that averages of items sold are above standard.

Average Receptionist Time

  1. Vertical Axis: Average time spent per tasks.      
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of receptionist who have performed a task on workorder during the selected period.


This graph shows on average how much time elapsed until one of these three status was set on a WO : 
  1. Make offer - How much time on average elapsed since the car check was done.
  2. Offer ready -  How much time on average elapsed since Make offer was set.
  3. Customer Ok - How much time on average elapsed since Offer ready was set.

Pay attention to

Ensure that task are performed in a reasonable amount of time.

Communications type

For location that I have opted Customer Communication, the report in this section are concerning the communication and their overall performance.

Customer Communication Sent

  1. Vertical Axis: Count of workorders and customer communications by type
  1. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph shows set of of workorder and customer communications sent per day during the selected period:
  1. Counts of workorders.
  2. Counts of customer communications sent and resent.

Pay attention to

Ensure counts of communication sent are above standard.

Online Check-in Transformations


This graphs shows you the transformations of Online Check-in communications sent for the selected period

Pay attention to

Ensure that the transformation of Online Check-In communication is reasonable.

Daily Online Check-in Transformations

  1. Vertical Axis: Count of Online Check-in communication sent.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph show the count of Online Check-in of communications sent per day during the selected period:
  1. Count of Online Check-in sent but not opened.
  2. Count of Online Check-in sent and opened but not answered.
  3. Count of Online Check-in sent, opened and answered.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the transformation of Online Check-In communication is reasonable.

Online Check-in Performances

  1. Vertical Axis: Accumulated percentages of the Accepted and Refused services offered in the Online Check-in.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of services offered in the Online Check-in during the selected period.


This graph shows you the ratio of accepted services offered Online Check-in services during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of services offered are accepted above standard.

Diagnose Overview Transformations


This graphs shows you the transformations of Diagnose Overview communication for the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure the transformation of Diagnose Overview communications are reasonable.

Daily Diagnose Overview Transformations

  1. Vertical Axis: Count of Diagnose Overview communications sent by transformation. 
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph show the count of Online Check-in of communications sent per day during the selected period:
  1. Count of Diagnose Overview sent but not opened.
  2. Count of Diagnose Overview sent and opened but not answered.
  3. Count of Diagnose Overview sent, opened and answered.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of Diagnose Overview communications sent and answered are reasonable.

Diagnose Overview Performances


This graphs shows you the current statuses of communications during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the performance of items critical or not included in Diagnose Overview are reasonable.

Daily Diagnose Overview Performances

  1. Vertical Axis: Counts of items in Diagnose Overview sent
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graphs show sets of Diagnose Overview communications sent per day during the selected period:
  1. Count of items included in Diagnose Overview communications sent but not answered.
  2. Count of items by their response Accepted, Refused, Contact Me by Critical Item or not.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the Diagnose Overview communications sent have proper results by items critical and not.

Repair Overview Transformations


This graphs shows you the transformations of Repair Overview communications sent for the selected period

Pay attention to

Ensure that the transformation of Repair Overview communication is reasonable.

Daily Repair Overview Transformations

  1. Vertical Axis: Count of Repair Overview communication sent.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph show the count of Repair Overview communications sent per day during the selected period:
  1. Count of Repair Overview sent but not opened.
  2. Count of Repair Overview sent and opened.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the transformation of Repair Overview communication is reasonable.

SMS Overview

  1. Vertical Axis: Count of WO and SMS sent.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of dates for the selected period (Left to Right: Oldest to Newest).


This graph show the counts of WO and SMS communications sent per day during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the number of SMS sent is reasonable.

SMS Events


This graphs shows you the proportion of SMS by events for the selected period

Pay attention to

Ensure that the proportion for each event is reasonable.


Snoozed Items


This graphs shows you the proportion of snoozed Items by type for the selected period

Pay attention to

Ensure that the proportion for each type is reasonable.

Next visit customer's departments

  1. Vertical Axis: Accumulated percentages of snooze statuses.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of departments


This graph shows you the ratio of snooze statuses during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of the snooze statuses are reasonable.

Make offer's departments

  1. Vertical Axis: Accumulated percentages of snooze statuses.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of departments


This graph shows you the ratio of snooze statuses during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of the snooze statuses are reasonable.

Make new appointment's departments

  1. Vertical Axis: Accumulated percentages of snooze statuses.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of departments


This graph shows you the ratio of snooze statuses during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of the snooze statuses are reasonable.

Remind customer's departments

  1. Vertical Axis: Accumulated percentages of snooze statuses.
  2. Horizontal Axis: List of departments


This graph shows you the ratio of snooze statuses during the selected period.

Pay attention to

Ensure that the ratios of the snooze statuses are reasonable.

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