Canceling an appointment (WO)

Canceling an appointment (WO)


This new feature allows users to identify an appointment has been canceled and add a reason why. Reports on canceled appointments are also available at the Location reports and Dealer reports.


Only when the appointment is still set with the status New car, open the appointment details modal,  you will see a red button on the left of to the Close button. 

Canceling the appointment

Click on it to open the confirmation below. 

When you can select one of these four reasons:
  1. Customer No Show
  2. Customer Cancelation
  3. Dealer Cancelation
  4. Other
If you select Other, a new field will appear where you can type in the reason. 

Once canceled, only a user with admin role can reverse it such as Dealer Admin role.

Once confirmed, the status of the appointment will be changed to Canceled and then it will  have no functionality allowing you to change its status. Also, when hovering over the timeline bar the reason selected or entered (if other) will be displayed. 

On the main page, the appointment will be identifiable with the icon indicated in the image below.

If your location has enabled Online Check-in communication from our module Customer Communications. Canceling the appointment will prevent the Online check-in from being sent. If already sent, the communication will be closed therefore cannot be answered.

Restoring a cancelled appointment

If you have an Dealer Admin role, you can revert an appointment back to New Car by simply clicking the button with a car icon.

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