Optimizing the Leads feature

Optimizing the Leads feature

The Leads feature allows you to list all identified unrepaired interventions thus giving you an effective tool that allows you to visualize the missed opportunities you have found using the Claire process. Moreover, this feature allows you to organise and filter these lead chances for upselling your services.

Accessing the Leads page

The Leads feature is accessible in the side menu.

The Leads page will appear and will show by default the items from last month and items that were snoozed.

Note: Snoozed items that have for status Done are not listed by default unless selected in the snooze status filter.

Available types

On the dropdown list on the top right, you can select a type.

Snoozed type

This type will list snoozed items.

Available filters

For snoosze type,  you have a selection of fields allowing you to filter the listed based on:
  1. Locations
  2. Period
  3. Question Status
  4. Customer Approved or not
  5. Company type (Lease or no lease). *** 
  6. Department
  7. Snoozed Status
  8. Task
  9. Tags
  10. Checklists
  11. Interventions
AlertConfiguration is required with your DMS, simply contact us at support@claireit.eu and we will investigate to see if your location can have this feature activated.
Info: The column Customer Ok User indicate the user that set the work order to Customer Ok. 

Not snoozed type

This type allows to identify leads among not snoozed items.

Available filters

For not snoozed type,  you have a selection of fields allowing you to filter the listed based on:
  1. Locations
  2. Period
  3. Question Status
  4. Customer Approved or not
  5. Company type (Lease or no lease). *** 
  6. Department
  7. Tags
  8. Questions
  9. Interventions
Alert***Configuration is required with your DMS, simply contact us at support@claireit.eu and we will investigate to see if your location can have this feature activated.

Cars type

By selecting the type Cars, you will get a list of appointments that have indicated a next maintenance date or a predicted next maintenance date within a selected range period.

Available filters

For car type,  you have a selection of fields allowing you to filter the listed based on:
  1. Locations
  2. Period
  3. Company type (Lease or no lease). *** 
Predicted next date is calculated based on the average number of kilometers driven per day between the first and last appointment to calculate on which date the vehicle should reach the Next KM for maintenance.

Tires type

By selecting tires type, you will get a list of tires from the latest checklist with a question tire elements performed on them and the list will only include tires that were not indicated as fixed.

Available filters

Based on type,  you have a selection of fields allowing you to filter the listed based on:
  1. Locations
  2. Period
  3. In storage or on car
  4. Profile Max
  5. Status (Ok/Ok with note/Critical/Recommended)
  6. Snoozed
  7. Customer Approved or not
  8. Season
  9. Size
  10. Width
  11. Height
  12. Speed
  13. Brand
Since V7.10.31, the filter Deleted will list question/intervention previously snoozed items where the snooze was deleted.  Only available if Snoozed filter is enabled.

Viewing contact information

For all types, to view available contact information on the contractor,  the driver or  the owner, simply hover your cursor over the following icon:

Note: Since V7.10.38, contact related to lease will have an identifier.

Reviewing the Note column

Note have different origins depending on the type selected:
  1. For snoozed type, the note will be the remarks entered by the mechanics in the car ready check.
  2. For not snoozed type and if a question, the note will be the answer and remarks selected by the mechanic.
  3. For not snoozed type and if an intervention, the note will be the remarks on that intervention.

Exporting your current selection

Click the export button to get your selection in .ods format based on your filtered selection. It's only enabled, if only one location was selected.
The export feature is only available to authorised users. Your after-sales managers can provide access to specific users by contacting support@claireit.eu.

Snooze button

Snoozing an item directly from the list

Grey clock button is indicating that the item on the list is still not snoozed. In order to snooze it, simply click the grey clock button, as shown in the image below. Complete it with the information and then click Save.

Updating snooze information

Items already snoozed have the clock icon displayed in blue. Click on it to see the snooze modal then make your modifications and click Update.

Removing the snooze on an item

In order to stop displaying a snooze item from the list of snoozed items, select the red trash button.

On the pop-up , enter the reason for deleting snooze item then click the Confirm button.

This will not delete the item from the workorder but simply inactivate the snooze for it.

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