Pinned intervention on tablet

Pinned intervention on tablet

The pin note is an effective way to highlight an intervention and keep track of any progression made on it. The pin note can be used for simple remarks or to tag specific intervention items under warranty or recall.

How to access it on tablet

On tablet, in the workorder overview,  it will be displayed when an intervention or question had a pin added to it by the receptionist.


Depending on the pin type, it can be represented with three differents icons similar to the following:

On the tablet, simply click on it to see more information about it.


The pin modal contains info about his type and other info if applicable.
It also show notes entered when made visible to mechanic.
Finally you have an option to Add update.


In the note section a paperclip icon is visible when file(s) were attached to the notes. Click on the paperclip to see the files and then click on the green arrow to view the file.

Add update

On the pin modal, if you click Add update in the left bottom corner, the following modal will appear:

You can add note and attachment.
You can toggle on the Support status to change the status of the pin to Support.
Click the button Add note to confirm.

On tablet, the note will be added to other notes:

On deskop, it will be added to the pin's log entry:

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