Quick start with Claire - Receptionist
After you log in, Claire's main page will open. On the Main page you will find all important basic information to keep an overview of the work orders.
If you want to know a detailed explanation of all icons and possibilities, you can easily go to our help section within Claire via the
Question mark icon.Main page
On the main page you can see all appointments for today.
Here you can find the following: appointment date / registration number / APK date / customer name / brand / model / name of the mechanic who did the check / completed checklists and statuses of the appointment.
Statuses of the appointment
New entry

New appointment, which has not yet been worked on.
Car in shop

Car has been reported inside the workshop.
Control started
Check started, mechanic is mapping additional work.
Car check
Check is ready.

An quotation is made by the receptionist.
Proposal Ok

The offer is ready
Contact customer

The next step in the process is to contact the customer.
Customer Ok

Customer agrees to the quote.
The mechanic now knows that there is an agreement for work and he can start repairing the car.
Car ready

The mechanic has completed all approved work. The work order is now marked as
Car ready.
The mechanic reports the car ready with the tablet.

There are parts ordered for this car, but not yet received.
Cancelled appointment
The receptionist cancelled the appointment. Can only be done in the statusses New entry and Car in shop.
Appointment / WO detail page
On the main page you click on a WO to go to the appointment detail page. On the
appointment detail page you can find additional information from the DMS or the findings of the mechanic and checklist(s) that has been completed. For more info go to the
WO detail page overview in our Helpdesk.
The extra work which was found is now indicated as follows:

- Item is good

- Item is good, but mechanic has made a comment;

- Adviced item;

- Critical item.

- Mechanic skipped the items.
Pin item to display important items with additional information:

Pin item is used to draw attention to Warranty, Recall or other important items and to record extra information.

While calling the customer, the receptionist has the work order open and discusses advised and critical items with the customer.
If the customer agrees, the receptionist puts the thumbs up of the relevant item. From
so the mechanic knows he can fix this item. Notification icons in Claire
Claire has several notification icons with different meanings, which are explained below the screenshot. The notification icons can be found in the box highlighted in red.
Filter icons
| The Dollar sign can be used once the customer has paid. |
| The Shopping cart can be used to indicate that all parts are made available by the storekeeper. |
| The Star can be used when it is a VIP customer. |
| An intervention or item is pinned with a remark. |

| An intervention or item is marked as warranty. |
| Notification that the car has been in the shop more than once in the past 4 weeks. |
Other icons
It is not possible to filter on these icons.

| A customer is waiting. |

| Extra parts used, like for instance motoroil. |

| The amount of interventions/questions that were approved by the customer, but were not fixed when the car was indicated as ready. |

| The receptionist left an important note. Hover over the icon to read the note. |

| The receptionist has called the customer. Hover over the icon to read the note. |
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