This tool allows you to manage information about items that have been pinned as warranty or recall. The data can be customized using the various filters and while remaining interactive. This will empower you to monitor and analyze this important part of the after-sales.
Accessing the Warranty dashboard
The Warranty feature is accessible in the side menu.
The Warranty dashboard will show by default the items pinned last month for your default location without those that have Claimed for pin's status.
Sort by date
It is possible to sort pins by the newest and oldest date created. In addition, you can sort the pins by the last updated date. Click on the filter icon next to Appointment Date:
Copy function
There are four columns where copying is possible: VIN, support, claim, and reference numbers can be copied to your clipboard.
Warranty managers can also sort work orders by Claim number, both ascending and descending, by clicking on the arrow next to the Claim number column.
In the Appointment date and Registration number columns, the headings can be alternated to "Last updated" and "VIN".
Interactive elements
Two elements for each item can be interacted with:
- WO
- REG#
Clicking on any of them, will open the related page in Claire.
Filtering the list
You have a selection of fields allowing you to filter the listed based on:
Pin type
Warranty type
Pin Status
Question status
Mechanic fixed
Make your selections from each filter dropdown list.
Moreover, the filter by WO status feature is available for you to further down the filter by WO status:
Updating a Pinned item directly from the list
In order to log your progress, click the pin button:
Home icon
The last column shows a home icon. If you hover over it, an information window containing the dealer and location information for that item will appear.
Export function
Results can be exported as an ODS file, click the Export button in the top right corner.
Once you clicked on it, the following window will appear, then click the Download button.
Option to get notification for Pin Status
An option called
Pin status notifications is available in the
profile page, once enabled
if in the filter, you selected one or more Pin status, you'll receive a notification every time another user create or update a pin with one of your selections.
Click on the notification to open the appointment in a new tab.