The dashboard helps its user to manage the mechanics' work.
How to activate
Once enabled for your location, you can open it by selecting Dayplanner from the left menu (hamburger menu).
Dayplanner dashboard
Tag | Name | Description | Link to
1 | Filter bar | Click to highlight all the workorders with the selection at the exception of the backorder filter.
Backorder filter is grey, all appointments that are backorder are hidden unless assigned. When assigned, the appointmetn will be greid out. |
2 | Appointment | The appointment will display by default Registration number, WO number and a date and time.
The date and time display will be of the first available data from:
- Scheduled-out date time
- End time coming from 3rd party such as Plan-it or 1i Automotive.
- Update time
The color of the box will be: - Yellow if the the Scheduled-out/End time is in within an hour.
- Red if the Scheduled-out/End time was past.
The mechanic's panic button adds a red border to the relevant appointment. Hovering over it displays the panic note. |
3 | 3rd party info | If your location is connected to a 3rd party such as Plan-It and 1i Automotive. The workorder box will display a circle with the mechanic initial. If you hover over, the full name of the mechanic, the start and end time will appear. |
4 | Search bar | Use it to Search by WO, reg number or name of the owner/driver. | More info on search bar
5 | Filter mechanics | Use the filter to hide occupied mechanics if at least one work order is assigned to them, or unoccupied mechanics (if no work orders are assigned to them). |
6 | Collapse button | Click on it to collapse or expand the column. |
7 | Status icon bar | A status icon bar that displays the number of appointments for each status. Clicking on a status icon allows you to hide the corresponding workorders. |
8 | Count button | Showing the number of workorder assigned to the mechanic. You can click to show them all or collapse it to one row. |
9 | Empty slot | In the these box you can drag and drop workorder. |
10 | Vacation list | Mechanic that are indicated on vacation, click the vacation button to expand the mechanic section. |
11 | Vacation button | Click on it to indicate a mechanic is on vacation, once done it will collapse the mechanic section and move the mechanic to the bottom. |
12 | Filter work orders | Use the filter to filter by all, internal (Internal) and non-internal (WO) work orders. |
Dayplanner columns
The column contains appointments and workorders not set as Car in shop.
The column is sorted by date and time, from oldest to newest.
Cars must first be checked in via DMS or Claire before they appear in the Unassigned column.
The column contain workorders set as Car in Shop and still not assigned.
From this colum you can assign a workorder by dragging it to the mechanic section.
The column is in order of the date and time displayed from oldest to newest at the exception of workorders set with the Backorder status, those will be at the end.
Mechanic task
This column contains sections for all active mechanics. Each section will contain the assigned workorder for the respective mechanic to a maximum of three workorders per mechanic.
In this colum you can:
- unassign workorder by dragging and dropping the workorder back to the assign column.
- reassign workorder by dragging and dropping the workorder to another mechanic.
- reorder workorder in the same section by dragging and dropping the workorder .
On the tablet
The mechanic will see a new toggle button called Planning.
If enabled, only workorders assigned to that mechanic on the Dayplanner will be listed.
If a workorder is set to Car out shop, it automatically goes to the Appointments column.
For your own preference, you can also reorder mechanic section by dragging and dropping it anywhere in the same column, the order will be remembered the next time you login on the same browser.
Car Ready
This column contains workorders with Car ready status, they are automatically moved out to this column when they reached that status.
WO that was assigned to a mechanic will have a circle with the initial of the last assigned mechanic.
Note: if a Quality check is in progress, the WO will remain in that column until the Quality Check is completed.
Quality control
This column contains workorders with Quality control, they are automatically moved to this column when they reached that status.
Additional info on hover over
WO number
As soon as you move your cursor/mouse pointer over the WO number, a popup opens with additional information:
1. Planned interventions
* planned time for the intervention (time is imported from DMS CarIt, Autoline ODBC, Autoline Keyloop, Wincar and Incadea)
2. If the intervention has a pin (comment, recall or warranty)
3. Has the intervention been approved by the customer (green thumb)
4. Red cross if the intervention has not been performed by the mechanic
Car Registration number
When you hover your cursor over the car registration, a modal will display additional information about the car.
When activated, every time a mechanic is starting is doing a Car Ready check and mark an intervention as fixed then it will move this WO automatically in the first box under his name.