Using the pin function

Using the pin function

The pin note is an effective way to highlight an intervention and keep track of any progression made on it. The pin note can be used for simple remarks or to tag specific intervention items under warranty or recall. By using this feature, you will then populate the warranty dashboard feature.

How to access it

On the appointment details page, next to every intervention, a grey pin icon will be indicated. Simply click on it to have the pin modal appearing for you to interact with.

Adding a new pin

Once clicked on, the pin window will appear:

Headers section

Pin type: 
  1. Remarks
  2. Warranty 
  3. Recall
Warranty type (Only enabled if warranty type was selected):
  1. Factory
  2. Leniency
  3. Paint/body 
  4. On Repair
  5. Occasion
  6. Service
It is possible to hide the warranty types so that only a certain selection is visible. This can be changed in the dealer overview by a user with the role Dealer Admin or higher.

Status (Only enabled when Warranty and Recall):
  1. Support
  2. Approval pending
  3. More info
  4. Approved 
  5. Declined
  6. To claim
  7. Claimed (bill is send to OEM)
  8. Billed
  9. Request
  10. Technical info
Enter if needed the appropriate information in the following fields:
  1. Support #
  2. Claim #
  3. Ref #
Order status:
  1. To order
  2. Same day
  3. Next day
  4. Back order
You can request at that the color of the pin changed to:

Orange when claim# is missing and/or support# is missing.

Red* when customer did not confirm it by answering a communication from:
  1. Online Check-in
  2. Diagnose overview
  3. Keylocker
  4. Desk Check
  5. Kiosk
*Red supersedes orange when support # and claim # are missing.
Addionaly on the main page the driver/owner/contactor field willl be red.

Note section

Note will populate the log history on you click save or update, however you will not be able to modify it or delete it afterward.

Note field
Enter your comment in the field.

Default note
Optional, when available you can select a note instead of entering one. See Notes Menu Dashboard.

Adding a file
The paperclip button is only enabled once a character is entered in the note field. Multiple files can be added for each note entered. After a file was added, the toggle buttons Note visible in important items and Note visible for the mechanic are automatically enabled. 

Note visible in important items
When enabled, if the pin is on  questions, the question will then appear in section Important Items in the appointment details page and the note will be visible as a sub-line under it.

However, if the pin is for an intervention, the note will then be visible under it as sub-line under the intervention.

Note visible for the mechanic
The note will then be visible on the Claire application for the tablet.

Keep parts
If enable, it will create an easily identifiable note, than can be visible on the appointment details or/and for the mechanics on their tablets.

Log section

Log history is sorted by from most recent to oldest.

If after a pin was entered the question/intervention is fixed, it will also display a new entry with: Marked as fixed

If after a pin was entered the intervention is selected by a mechanic as the purpose for the check to performed, it will also display a new entry with: Checklist completed: [Name of the check performed]
The print overview will display all element of the pin plus the following information:
  1. Appointment information
  2. Customer information (Visible or not using the toggle button on the top left)
  3. Car information
  4. Questions result from the related checklist with photo, remark and statuses.


Intervention automatically pin

If your location has a Keyloop configuration, item set as a warranty in your DMS will automatically create or update a pin and set it as Warranty type. These pins created automatically cannot be deleted unless the item is no longer set as a warranty in your DMS.

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