Navigating the main page (workorder list)

Navigating the main page (workorder list)

Every action starts from the start page, you will also see all appointments of the selected day and the status of the appointment. 


By default, the start page opens as soon as you log in. You can also open it by selecting Appointment list in the left menu (hamburger menu).  

Available functions

Link to related article
Hamburger Menu
Click to open side menu

Lo@d function
View of the load function (Optional feature)
Click here for more info
Header row and filters
Self explanatory header row for the workorders planned for the current day and listed bellow it.
-Different Shopping cart filters can be available based on your selection on your profile page.
-A header contains a filter if an expand button is on its right, click on it to open the filter selection.
Pin workorder
Pin to keep the appointment listed in the today's date for all users for that location.

Internal WO
For internal workorder, the WO number is highlighted in red.

Checkin answered
For workorder where a checkin was answered, the driver/owner/contractant will be higlighted in blue.

7Count of workorderSum of workorders listed

Search Bar
In the search bar, you can search by different topics. For example by WO number, by name of the owner or driver of the vehicle and by registration number.
Adding workorder manualy
Click on the red dot to access the screen to add a workorder manually.
10Date picker
Click here to select the date that you wish to view the workorder which are set for that date, if its set for today's date, the appointments that are pinned will also be visible.

Location picker
If your company has multiple sites, you can change locations in Claire.
Refresh button
Click to refresh Claire

Manufacturer button
Click to access manufacturer dashboard
Click to access the Claire support screen

Click here to access your profil
Filter status bar
Able you to filter list by status
Allow to see multiple notification:
: A customer is waiting.
: Extra part used.
: A note was added to the workorder.
: A note was added on the car ready control
: The star can be used when it is a VIP customer.
: The dollar sign can be used once the customer has paid.
: The shopping cart can be used to indicate that all parts are made available by the storekeeper.
: The count of interventions/questions that were approved by the customer but were not fixed when the car was indicated as ready.

Order of the WO listed.

The workorders are sorted first by:
  1. Panic question activated
  2. Key dropped notification
Then by their statuses, using the following order (First to last):
  1. CheckIn to be done
  2. Car check
  3. Initial check done
  4. Calculating price
  5. Pricing OK
  6. Diagnose
  7. Customer being contacted
  8. Customer answered
  9. Customer OK
  10. Car ready
  11. Car ready repair overview sent
  12. Car check started
  13. Quality check finished
  14. Quality check finished repair overview sent
  15. Car in shop
  16. CheckIn done
  17. New car
  18. Canceled
  19. Backorder
Then by the time (hour) it was updated by the mechanic on the tablet.

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